When is a Dental Crown Needed?

You might know what a crown is, but do you really understand how many ways it can be used? When many people think about a dental crown, they might think about a silver cap inside of the mouth of a little kid who ate too much candy. That’s just not the case! Many crowns are tooth-colored and even used for cosmetic reasons.

What Can a Dental Crown Do?

Dental crowns are one of the most versatile dental go-to’s. These are just some of the things a dental crown can be used for:

  • Dental crowns are often used to protect a tooth that has become weakened due to decay or breakage.
  • Dental crowns can be used to hold together a tooth that has cracked and prevent cleaving.
  • Teeth that are worn down can be protected and rebuilt with dental crowns
  • If a tooth becomes so damaged due to a cavity, a tooth-colored dental crown can be used to repair the area where a filling wouldn’t be enough.
  • Dental crowns can be mounted onto healthy teeth to make strong supports for a dental bridge that would be then used to fill a gap in your teeth.
  • Dental crowns can also be used cosmetically to cover teeth that are strangely shaped to give you the smile that you want.
  • Crowns are also typically the finishing touch after a dental implant procedure to replace a tooth that you have lost.

Crowns can be made up of a variety of materials, and the material that you choose will much depend on the location and purpose of the crown. They can be made up of completely tooth-colored ceramic to match the color of your teeth and appear completely natural.

If you want more information on dental crowns, feel free to give us a call, or stop into our office today!

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