When Should You See an Orthodontist?
Who Is an Orthodontist? An orthodontist is a dental expert specializing in jaw alignments and teeth straightening. Orthodontics in Katy, TX, prioritizes oral function by correcting the positioning of teeth in the jawbone. While you may not know much about orthodontists, you may have heard about braces. They are oral appliances that apply the necessary […]
Can You Go Straight To an Orthodontist?
Some people feel embarrassed by their crooked teeth to the extent that they sometimes try too hard not to smile. Some smile but use their hands to cover their mouth. Orthodontists have advanced training to make your teeth move and realign, so that crooked teeth become straight. People who have always felt embarrassed can now […]
Orthodontics: knowing if you need one and why you need them
The ideal dental structure is one that is lined up perfectly to ensure that the upper and the lower teeth connect when biting or eating. Having well-aligned teeth also improves one look because the design of the other features of the face requires teeth that are in the right alignment and symmetry. However, some people […]
Braces: Frequently Asked Questions
If you are looking to have braces, you must have a clear understanding of them. This way, you can prepare well and know what to expect during the fitting procedure. A proper understanding of these devices also helps you take care of them well after being fitted. In a bid to help you prepare better […]
Orthodontics(Braces) – Types, Uses, and Their Benefits
The most common tool used in orthodontics is dental braces. Braces help correct problems with your teeth, such as tooth crowding, misalignment, and crooked teeth. Braces are issued mainly to teenagers, as they don’t mind a lot about tooth aesthetics—adults too get dental braces. Various treatments can help salvage your crooked teeth or if you […]
Are Invisible Braces Right for You?
If you have gaps in your teeth or misalignment issues, you may be thinking about doing something about it. Properly aligned teeth not only have a more attractive appearance, but they are also beneficial to your oral health – because they are easier to clean, you are more likely to remove harmful substances that can […]
Getting the Most Out of Clear Braces
Have you decided to perfect your smile with clear braces? When it comes to any orthodontic treatment, it is extremely important to follow the directions given to you by your Katy orthodontist, and clear braces are no different. Today, Charm Dental Care in Katy is providing tips so that our patients can get the best […]