Reasons To Consider Getting Dental Implants

Why Get Dental Implants?

First of all, having missing or damaged teeth can take a toll on your self-esteem and your overall quality of life. People who suffer from poor self-esteem tend to live with more depression on average, take lower paying jobs, and suffer from unhealthy personal relationships.

Fixing your teeth and your smile with dental implants in Spring and Richmond, TX can give your self-esteem the boost it needs. Beyond the confidence boost that comes along with a beautiful smile, Dental implants can restore functionality to your mouth and your oral health. They allow for natural chewing and teeth placement that can benefit the health of your other teeth as well.

How Do Dental Implants Stack Up to Dentures and Dental Bridges?

Dentures and dental bridges (partial dentures) feel more unnatural than dental implants and require a lot more maintenance.

Dentures are typically removed and cleaned on a nightly basis. They also must be pasted to your mouth with a firm glue that sticks them in place. Unfortunately, sometimes this glue slides or moves during the day, making the dentures feel even more unnatural. It can also allow for irritating food particles to sneak their way up under the dentures and cause discomfort. There has been a lot of development in the area of denture glues to allow less and less food underneath the dentures and to keep them from moving, but it is still a common occurrence.

On the other hand, a tooth replacement, or a dental implant, does not completely replace what natural teeth may still be in your mouth, but they fill in any unhealthy or unsightly gaps. This allows you to use the new dental implant as you would one of your own teeth. It is a permanent tooth replacement, so you don’t have to remove it every night to clean it. It essentially functions as a completely natural tooth.

Dental implants allow you to repair or replace damaged teeth and improve your smile, all the while allowing you to retain your natural teeth.


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